What is Gua Sha and How Can It Be Part of Your Regular Skincare Routine?

What is Gua Sha and How Can It Be Part of Your Regular Skincare Routine?

It may not be well known by its official name, but Gua Sha is actually a very popular practise when it comes to general skincare at home. In everyday skincare talk it may be better known by the terms "facial stone massage", or simply "face massage". 

While it may look like a strange technique, using a facial stone has fast become a very popular means of skincare for men and women in modern skincare. But what is Gua Sha, and how are facial stones beneficial for skincare?


The origins of Gua Sha in skincare

Gua Sha originates from ancient Chinese medicine and healing techniques. The term "gua" means to scrape, and "sha" refers to the reddish marks that appear on the skin after scraping or massaging.

The idea is that the tool, usually a stone, is caressed along the skin to gently massage it. While gua sha is suitable for various parts of the body, facial gua sha has become particularly popular in recent years for its general skincare benefits.


facial stone massage


Using a Facial Stone in Gua Sha

A facial stone is a smooth, flat tool usually made from semi-precious stones like jade, rose quartz, or amethyst. These stones were thought to have excellent healing properties, as well as having an attractive finish.

The coolness of the stone helps to reduce skin puffiness, while the gentle scraping or massaging motion aids in improving circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage.


How Gua Sha Works

Facial gua sha involves gently massaging the stone along the skin's surface. This will help to boost circulation, reduce puffiness and improve the overall tone of the skin. The gentle massage also helps to relax facial muscles, helping to aid against wrinkles while reducing fine lines. 

It is very easy to perform gua sha at home. It is recommended to start with a clean face - pre-applying facial oils or serums can help with reducing overall friction during the facial massage while making skin more radiant.


gua sha face massage


How to massage your own face with a facial stone

  1. Using the long side of the facial stone, start by gently moving it from your ear down to your collarbone in smooth motions and repeat several times. This is an excellent for your neck muscles. 
  2. Next, take the shorter side of the facial stone and move across the jawline, again in short, smooth motions. Begin at the chin and move upwards towards the ear This will help with the jawline and jaw muscles.
  3. For the cheeks use the longest side of the stone once again. Start from the mouth and work up trough the cheeks, following the contours of your cheeks as best as you can.
  4. Facial stones can also be usedunder the eyes. Place the short side of the stone under the eyes and gently move outwards near the hairline. Repeat the process under each eye.
  5. Use on the eyebrows by once again placing the short side of the stone on them. Use a gentle motion out towards the hairline and repeat several times
  6. Lastly, use on the forehead by placing the stone just above the eyebrows. Again use gentle sweeping motions up towards the top of the forehead.

    Why Include Gua Sha in Your Daily Routine?

    1. Reduces Puffiness: The lymphatic drainage encouraged by gua sha helps to reduce fluid retention, which can minimize puffiness, especially around the eyes.

    2. Improves Circulation: By stimulating blood flow, facial stone massages can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, giving it a healthy, radiant glow.

    3. Tones Facial Muscles: Regular use of a facial stone can help to relax and tone facial muscles, which may reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

    4. Promotes Product Absorption: Using gua sha after applying facial oils or serums can help them penetrate deeper into the skin, maximizing their benefits.

    5. Relieves Tension and Stress: The gentle massage provided by gua sha can relieve tension and stress, which is often held in the facial muscles. This can help with reducing anxiety and is an excellent as part of a nighttime skincare routine


    rose quartz facial stone
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